September 10, 2015

Front Door Makeover at Lost Cay Cottage

I just came across a blog about painting your front door and since we recently painted our 3 exterior doors at Lost Cay Cottage, I thought I would share!

Here's a link to the cute blog, House by Hoff. It gives step by step directions that I won't repeat here.
I will have to say, it definitely wasn't as easy as it seemed like it would be, in fact, I devoted a day to each door.  I think this was due, not only to the heat, but to my call to sit by the shore instead! 

Can you blame me?

Our exterior doors were a dark green, a pretty color but not a beach look. The color of the house seems a little different in all of the photos...probably because of the time of day the pictures were taken...but you can get an idea of the combination.

Our new color is Krypton by Sherwin Williams, I have to say it was a huge change that I love, love!
It always amazes me what a little color change can do to change the whole look of a place.

This porch is super simple, but so comfortable. It definitely passes the nap test!

Salty, Sandy, favorite pillows.
If you have a porch you spend a lot of time on and you don't open your windows, ever or very often, I recommend taking the screens off. The windows are much prettier and easier to keep clean!

An old Ball jar and a pickle jar now that's my kind of recycling!

This is what goes on inside the newly painted doors...

I read the tip about the House by Hoff blog on the Facebook page of 11 Magnolia Lane, if you haven't checked out their amazing blog (although I'm sure you have) you can find it here!

'Til Next Time!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out, Shand! The new color looks great on the doors and works so well with your bright deck chairs. Hope your monograms arrived safe and sound, too. :)
