February 2, 2015

My Whole(30) New Life

Yesterday was my birthday!  
I woke up feeling amazing...happy with myself and looking forward to the year ahead.  For the past few years on my birthday I would say...'ok, STARTING TODAY, I am going to lose weight, take better care of myself, not worry so much, and make a difference to someone'.
 Unfortunately, most of those resolutions fall by the wayside shortly after the day passes.
This year, in anticipation of the big day, I decided take on the Whole30 challenge. 
If you haven't heard of Whole 30 you can get all the scoop on their website here. It's a strict version of Paleo style eating that is taking the health world by storm.

Last September I went to see a doctor at our local MTF 
(that's military treatment facility... AKA a clinic) 
about chronic pain, mild depression, and weight gain. This doctor gave me the worst medical advice ever. 
When I explained my concerns she shrugged her shoulders and said, "I guess you just need to get motivated". 
Then she walked out.
At the time I was furious, I filed a complaint and I never returned to that doctor or that clinic.
But, now that I think back on it, while it was a terrible thing for a  doctor to say to someone seeking help 
(thankfully I wasn't suicidal)
 I actually took her advice.

It took me a few months but I got motivated. 

A blog I follow, Miss Mustard Seed, wrote this post shortly before New Years Day, Made to Crave and Whole 30, and it totally spoke to me.  
I bought into it hook, line, and sinker.
I'm so thankful I did!

I won't go into all the specifics of Whole30. Basically, for 30 days, you eliminate grains, alcohol, legumes, dairy, and sugar from your diet.
After a few days on the program I woke up from the chemical and sugar coma I'd been living in my whole life. 
It's a true game changer.
After 30 days I am 10 pounds lighter.
I am pain free.
I am content.
I am anxiety free.  
I am truly happy.
This was the gift I gave myself on my birthday!
Though the 30 days are over, I plan to continue on the program with workouts 
(which I did not do last month) 
and I will never go back to treating myself so carelessly.

I did indulge in Prosecco and dark chocolate on my birthday but I feel confident that I can contain my celebrations to truly special occasions.

So, my big makeover in January was ME!

I hope your New Year's journey is a successful as mine has been so far! 


You may only remember the beautiful photos from this post 
(and that's ok!) 
but if you're looking for something to pull you out of whatever funk you're in, Whole30 is really worth a try!


'Til Next Time!

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